Milton Transit operates a variety of service routes that all connect to the Milton GO Station. Review the transit schedule, maps and ticket prices to find out more about our regular services.

Milton Transit OnDemand

Milton Transit OnDemand is a flexible, shared-ride service that provides transit without following a fixed route or schedule and is bookable via a mobile app.

Riding Milton Transit

We can help you get familiar with using public transit. Review our rider tips and safety and policies to learn how to safely enter and exit the bus and how to conduct yourself while on Milton Transit.

Read and Ride

From June 24- Sept. 2, 2023, Milton youth, aged 16 and under, can ride free simply by showing their validated Milton Public Library card to the bus driver while boarding.

Transit validation stickers are free and available at all Milton Public Library branches.


Effective Sept. 7, 2021, Milton Transit OnDemand 401 Industrial Zone will replace Trans-Cab, with extended hours of operation and more flexible booking options.

Transit Accessibility

Milton Transit buses include a variety of accessibility features and services, such as Milton access+ so that we can accommodate all passengers in Milton.