Investing in the Roads to Possibility

Construction season in Milton is underway. Crews are out on the roads working to build and maintain critical infrastructure for the community. In alignment with provincial regulations, Town-led construction is essential municipal work to ensure Milton’s infrastructure remains safe, in state of good repair and able to meet the community’s needs now and in the future.

Our Transportation Master Plan leverages existing infrastructure and proactively plans for a balanced, multi-modal transportation network to serve the existing community as well as forecast growth in people and jobs to the year 2031 and beyond. For a copy of the plan, please contact us.

Construction in your neighbourhood 

Please bear with us and be patient as we build and maintain a connected and efficient transportation network. Here is information on what you can expect when there is construction in your neighbourhood.

During construction 

During construction, the public is encouraged to plan travel in advance, consider alternate routes, follow signage and be patient while traveling in and around construction areas. The Town’s contractors deliver notices to properties directly impacted by construction.

While contractors are required to keep sites safe and free of any large debris, construction noise and dust will occur. While this can be an inconvenience, the Town strives to work with our contractors to mitigate impacts to residents.

Construction zone safety

Whether travelling by foot, car, bike or mobility device, be cautious around construction zones and areas where people are working on or near the road. We ask that you respect all site barricades and signage and do not enter work sites closed to the public.

When approaching a construction zone:

  • Proceed with caution and obey all warning signs, people and/or devices that are directing traffic through the area
  • When driving, lower speed limits are posted to increase worker safety and reflect increased road hazards, such as construction vehicles in the area, uneven or gravel surfaces, narrowed lanes etc.
  • Drive carefully and adjust your driving to suit the conditions, do not change lanes, be ready for sudden stops and watch for workers and related construction vehicles and equipment on the road
  • If your lane is blocked and no one is directing traffic, yield to the driver coming from the opposite direction and when the way is clear, move slowly and carefully around the obstacle

Be sure to treat people working on roads with respect, and be patient if traffic is delayed due to the construction work taking place.

After completion 

After a project is complete, crew members may return to the site in the weeks following construction to perform cleanup activities and correct any deficiencies (work that was not completed in line with the contract, or work that needs repair) that may have been identified through the final inspection.

All of the Town’s construction contracts have a two year warranty. Inspections take place after and before each winter during this period to identify any work that the contractor may need to fix prior to the warranty expiration. This type of work may include fixing pre-mature cracks in concrete curb, replacing settled sidewalk bays or replacing sod or other landscaping elements.

Annual road programs

Residents can expect these road programs to run in Milton each year. 

Asphalt overlay 

  • Program takes place from May to fall
  • Road asphalt overlay and localized curb and sidewalk replacement
  • Full listing of roads in this year’s asphalt overlay program can be found in on our interactive map and if your road is included, you will receive a notice directly
  • Residents may need to park temporarily on side streets when certain construction activities are being performed

Crack sealing program

  • Involves sealing cracks on roads deemed to be in fair to good condition to prevent water from seeping into the road and to further extend life of existing asphalt
  • Usually occurs two to five years before asphalt overlay

Expanded asphalt program 

  • Usually specific to our rural and industrial roads
  • Completed within the existing Town’s right of way and includes adding a one-metre paved shoulder when feasible, as well as minor/localized ditching and culvert replacement
  • Exact method of rehabilitation is determined through geotechnical work completed during the design phase of the project