Mayoral special powers and duties under the Municipal Act, 2001

The Mayor has special powers and duties under Part VI.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001. These include powers to:

  • Appoint and dismiss the CAO as well as various senior managers;
  • Create committees of Council, assign their functions, and appoint the Chairs and Vice Chairs of committees of Council;
  • Propose the Town’s budget subject to Council amendments, a Mayoral veto, and a Council override process;
  • Submit matters for Council's consideration, or veto by-laws, if the Mayor believes it will advance a prescribed Provincial Priority; and
  • Direct Town staff in writing.

The Mayor is required to exercise these powers in writing and make them available to the public, subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Mayoral decisions

The following decisions have been made by Mayor Krantz since 2023
Decision #DateTitle
2023-01 July 3, 2023

CAO Appointment and Dismissal

2023-02 July 3, 2023

Heads of Organizational Units

2023-03 Sept. 11, 2023

Approval of By-laws

2023-04 Sept. 20, 2023

Approval of By-laws

2023-05 Oct. 23, 2023

Approval of By-laws

2023-06 Oct. 25, 2023

Approval of By-laws

2023-07 Oct. 27, 2023

Approval of By-laws

2023-08 Nov. 13, 2023 2024 Proposed Budget
2023-09 Nov. 13, 2023 Approval of By-laws
2023-10 Dec. 4, 2023 Shortening the Veto Period for the 2024 Budget
2023-11 Dec. 18, 2023 Approval of By-laws
2024-01 Jan. 29, 2024 Approval of By-laws
2024-02 Feb. 12, 2024 Approval of By-laws
2024-03 March 4, 2024 Approval of By-laws
2024-04 March 26, 2024 Approval of By-laws
2024-05 April 15, 2024 Approval of By-laws
2024-06 May 13, 2024 Approval of By-laws
2024-07 June 3, 2024 Approval of By-laws
2024-08 June 24, 2024 Approval of By-laws
2024-09 July 15, 2024 Approval of By-laws
2024-10 Sept. 9, 2024 Approval of By-laws