The Adopt-a-Park program is here to help keep our parks, roads, and trails clean and safe. The goal of the Adopt-a-Park program is to help residents feel proud of their community. Volunteers and local organizations will work together to maintain great parks and trails which help make Milton great!

How it works

Park, trail or road adopters will agree to host a spring and fall clean-up. The Town of Milton will provide volunteer groups with tools (garbage bags, gloves, safety tips…etc.) in order to perform these cleanups successfully and stay safe while doing so.

If you are interested in adopting a park, please fill out an application.

Apply to Adopt-a-Park

For inspiration on selecting local green spaces to adopt, please visit our parks and trails webpage.


Below are the responsibilities of both volunteers and the Town of Milton for the Adopt-a-Park program.

Responsibilities for volunteers

  • Pick up litter
  • Pull weeds
  • Report graffiti
  • Report hazards
  • Sweep walkways and paved areas

Responsibilities for the Town of Milton

  • Provide regular maintenance in all Town parks and green spaces
  • Help you choose a park or green space and determine needed improvements
  • Provide support to Adopt-a-Park groups when needed
  • Receive and review inquiries and incident reports
  • Provide the tools needed for a successful clean-up (garbage and recycling bags, gloves etc.)
  • Pick up garbage, recycling, and yard waste if needed

Safety information

Below are safety tips for your park as well as hazardous items to be aware of.

Safety tips

  • Visit the cleanup location before your cleanup date to look for possible hazards
  • Arrange for adult supervision if there are youth volunteers
  • Wear a safety vest or bright clothing
  • Wear work gloves and closed toe shoes
  • Use tools and equipment safely and as intended to avoid injury
  • Wash hands before eating and at the end of the day
  • Keep sunscreen and insect repellent on hand
  • Drink water and keep hydrated
  • Take breaks
  • Suspend the cleanup during bad weather

Hazardous items

Do not allow volunteers to pick up anything that could be hazardous to their health. This includes:

  • Hypodermic needles
  • Syringes
  • Jagged glass or other sharp objects
  • Animal carcasses
  • Heavy objects

If you come across any hazardous items please report it.

For any additional inquiries, please contact our Operations staff.

Adopted locations

Parks, roads and trails
Location Adopted by
Indian Creek Trail Sustainable Milton - Wendy Roberts
Beatty Trail Park South Asian Mommies of Milton - Diksha Narayan
Victoria Park Lynda Cross
Coulson Park 1st Milton Pathfinders - Michelle Farthing
Clark Neighborhood Park South Bruce Trail Public School
Clark Neighborhood Park North Yadira Acosta
Willmott Park Willmer Campos
Millpond Path 1st Milton Scouts - Jennifer Thomas
Scott West Jelinik Terrace Crew - Jeeve Brar 
Scott East Nadeem Ur-Rehman
Dempsey Neighborhood Park rekitt - Diksha Narayan 
Reverse Frontage Trail (Derry & Bronte) Jan Black
Faye Park Team Green - Katherine Aikenhead
Rotary Park Phoenix Contact Ltd - Jessi Alderton
Savoline Park Adam Student