The Integrity Commissioner is responsible for providing elected officials and members of the public with advice, general information and guidance around:

Council disclosures

Members of Council are asked to disclose of any possible conflicts of interest in order to promote ethical governance and transparency. Review all disclosures from the Mayor and Councillors.

Mayor Krantz

Mayor Krantz has disclosed the following:
Council meeting dateAgenda itemReason for disclosure
Feb. 6, 2023 Renew Notice of Intention to the Designation of 111 Mary Street (Edwin Earl House)  Because he and his wife own property and live in the immediate area.
March 6, 2023 Renew Notice of Intention to the Designation of 111 Mary Street (Edwin Earl House) Because he and his wife own property and live in the immediate area.
April 17, 2023 Notice of Intention to Designate 22King Street - Alexander Hogg Stone House Because he and his wife own property and live in the immediate area.
March 27, 2024 Authorization for OLT Hearing Attendance Because he owns property within the circulated area of one of the applications discussed within the report.
May 13, 2024 Street Name Bank Recommendation
Because his wife is named in the naming


Councillor Tesser Derksen

Councillor Tesser Derksen has disclosed the following:
Council meeting dateAgenda itemReason for disclosure
Feb. 6, 2023 Renew Notice of Intention to the Designation of 111 Mary Street (Edwin Earl House)  Because of an employment relationship with the property owner. 
Dec. 18, 2023 2023 Milton Community Fund Applications
– Application Number 6 (Canadian University Women Milton)
Because she serves on the executive board.
Dec. 18, 2023 2023 Milton Community Fund Applications
– Application Number 12 (Fine Arts Society Milton)
Because an immediate family member is a member of FAS.
Feb. 12, 2024 Notice of Intention to Designate - 168 Martin Street Because she is a shareholder of a company that owns real property in the designated area.


Councillor Best

Councillor Best has disclosed the following:
Council meeting dateAgenda itemReason for disclosure
Dec. 12, 2022 Operating Budget Review Report – October 2022  His wife is a fitness instructor for the Community Services Department.
Jan. 23, 2023 2023 Capital and Operating Budget His wife is an instructor for the Community Services Department
Dec. 4, 2023 Clause 4b of the recommendation from CORS-057-23, 2024 Capital and Operating Budget for Seniors Programs Part Time Salaries and Benefits His wife is employed there as an instructor.
Dec. 18, 2023 Minutes of Council meeting held on Dec. 4, 2023. Because his wife works for the Community Services department of the Town of Milton as an instructor
March 27, 2024 Z-01/24 – 1000337795 Ontario Inc. (245 Commercial Street) – Technical Report Because he has a family member who owns property in the circulated area.
March 27, 2024 Halton Region 2023 Allocation Program – Recommended Unit Distribution Because a family member owns property adjacent to a parcel of land noted with the report.
June 3, 2024 PM - ZBA 2056603 Ontario Inc. applicable to the lands located at 459, 465, and 475 Main Street East (Town File: Z-07/24) Because he is employed by the owner of
the building.
July 15, 2024

Technical Report - ZBA 2056603 Ontario Inc. applicable to the lands located at 459, 465, and 475 Main Street East (Town File: Z-07/24)

Because he is employed by the owner of the building.


Councillor Challinor II

Councillor Challinor II has disclosed the following:
Council meeting dateAgenda itemReason for disclosure
Dec. 19, 2022   Walk of Fame Program - Confidential  He is the Chair of the Walk of Fame Committee.
Dec. 18, 2023 2023 Milton Community Fund Applications
– Application Number 24 (Milton Historical Society)
Because he is the President of the Milton Historical Society and had made application for the community grant on behalf of the organization.


Councillor Malboeuf 

No current disclosures.

Councillor Khalqi

Councillor Khalqi has disclosed the following:
Council meeting dateAgenda itemReason for disclosure
Dec. 18, 2023 Support for Halton Police Board Resolution re: Auto Theft in Canada Because he is a police officer.

Councillor Ijaz

No current disclosures.

Councillor Marshall

Councillor Marshall has disclosed the following:
Council meeting dateAgenda itemReason for disclosure
March 6, 2023 Citizen Appointments to the Community Fund Advisory Committee (CFAC) and the Mattamy National Cycling Centre (MNCC) Management Committee for the 2022-2026 term Because she is related to an applicant of a committee noted in the report.
Dec. 18, 2023 2023 Milton Community Fund Applications
- All Clauses
Because her husband is a member of the Community Fund Advisory Committee.


Councillor Ali

Councillor Ali has disclosed the following:
Council meeting dateAgenda itemReason for disclosure
Dec. 18, 2023 2023 Milton Community Fund Applications
– Application Number 6 (Canadian University Women Milton)
Because she serves on the executive board.
Dec. 18, 2023 2023 Milton Community Fund Applications
– Application Number 30 (Milton Pickleball)
Because she is a paying member of the association.
Dec. 18, 2023 2023 Milton Community Fund Applications
– Application Number 38 (Milton Youth Soccer Club)
Because her son is part of the soccer club and plays on a team.

Complaint procedures

If you have identified or witnessed a behaviour or activity by a Member of Council that you believe contravenes the Council Code of Conduct or Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, you can submit a complaint.

Informal complaints

You may wish to address this action or behaviour in an informal manner. For example, you can reach out directly to the Member of Council and:

  • Advise them that the behaviour or activity contravenes the Code of Conduct
  • Encourage them to stop the prohibited behaviour or activity

We also recommend that you keep a written record of the incident(s) including:

  • Dates
  • Times
  • Locations
  • List of individuals present
  • Other relevant information
This way, if you choose to file a formal complaint later, you have clearly documented the incident. We encourage you to pursue an informal complaint procedure as a means of stopping or changing the behaviour or activity that is prohibited by the Code. However, an informal complaint is not a prerequisite for filing a formal complaint.

Formal complaints

If you couldn’t find a resolution through an informal complaint, or if you chose not to pursue an informal complaint, you can file a formal complaint. You can submit a formal complaint by email directly to the Integrity Commissioner.

All formal complaints should contain the following information:

  • Name of the municipality
  • Your name, mailing address, phone number and email address
  • Detailed description of the behaviour or action and why it contravened the Code of Conduct or Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
  • Any and all evidence to support the allegation
  • Any activities undertaken (if any) to resolve the concern prior to submitting a formal complaint
  • Any additional information
  • Your signature

Role of the Integrity Commissioner

The Integrity Commissioner ensures that all elected officials conduct themselves in an ethical manner. This includes making sure they follow the guidelines set out in the Code of Conduct and Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

They are also responsible for:

  • Conducting inquiries into whether a Member of Council has contravened the Code of Conduct or section 5 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
  • Providing opinions on policy matters and making reports to council as requested on issues of ethics and integrity
  • Providing educational information and training to Council and members of the public on matters related to the Code of Conduct, Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and issues of ethics and integrity
  • Maintaining custody and control of all complaint and inquiry files and, on completion of their appointment, transfer all open files to the incoming Integrity Commissioner appointed by council
  • Providing other services related to ethical and integrity matters as assigned by council or as may be required under the Municipal Act