Strategic planning is an important process that helps shape Milton’s future and ensures our community continues to grow and thrive. It’s like creating a roadmap for the Town, focusing on goals and priorities that make Milton a better place to live, work, and visit. Strategic planning involves careful thought, listening to community needs, and planning for things like transportation, housing, parks, and services. It helps the Town of Milton stay organized and prepared for changes while making sure resources are used wisely.
On this page, you’ll find information about Milton’s strategic plans, how they are developed, and the key priorities they focus on. You can also learn about progress updates and how community feedback is included in the process. Strategic planning is about building a strong and connected community, and it’s something everyone can be part of.
Explore this page to see how strategic planning shapes Milton’s future and how you can get involved in the process!
What's on this page
Strategic Plan
At the Town of Milton, our strategic plan creates a shared vision that guides the work of Council and staff to meet the needs of our evolving community. After community engagement and input, the plan identifies the needs of our organization and community for the upcoming term of Council as well as for the longer term future.
Official Plan
An official plan describes municipal council policies on how land in your community should be used.
Milton’s Official Plan sets long-term goals and objectives for our community, guides our by-laws and informs Council on land-use decisions and how to manage change.
Other strategies, plans, studies and assessments
- Boyne Survey Secondary Plan
- Britannia Secondary Plan
- Community Services Master Plan
- Culture Plan
- Digital Strategy
- Downtown Study
- Economic Development Strategy
- Environment, Conservation and Demand Energy Management Plan
- Fire Services Master Plan
- Library Services Master Plan
- Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study
- Milton Transit Five-Year Service Plan
- Omagh Heritage and Character Value Assessment
- Places of Worship Study
- Supportive Housing Study
- Trafalgar and Agerton Secondary Plans
- Transportation Master Plan Update
Plans and studies map
Explore the growth studies map to learn about ongoing initiatives and past studies in our community.
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