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↓ Study documents
↓ Community meetings

Milton completed a Supportive Housing Study to ensure policies and zoning regulations meet the current housing needs of the community and comply with legislation. This study aims to identify what the desired supportive housing framework should look like and set out how to update Milton’s policy framework.

Study documents

Milton Council approved Official Plan Amendment No. 55 and associated Zoning By-law on May 27,2019 and passed the associated by-laws implementing the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments on June 24, 2019.

Throughout the research phase of the study, we published the following staff reports:

Community meetings

We’ve held two community meetings for the public to review and comment on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments and a statutory public meeting, under the Planning Act, on February 11, 2019

Contact us if you’d like to review the display boards, presentation materials or notices from the public meetings.