The 2024 budget positions Milton to invest in the community and organization, while having immediate and future community impact. Using the areas of focus within the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, the following 2024 highlights demonstrate investment in our community.
Invest in people
- Investment in new staffing resources in priority areas (such as fire services, traffic and front-line customer service) as well as employee strategic development.
- Investments to support recent non-union employee value propositions as well as collective bargaining agreements.
Innovate in technology and process
- Continued implementation of a Human Resources information system.
- Continued expansion and enhancement of the Town’s current automated vehicle location systems and fleet monitoring tools.
- Replacement and upgrade of the Town’s property tax system.
- Replacement of the Town’s finance system.
- Continued progress towards next-generation 911 emergency communications and dispatch services.
- Upgrades to networking, infrastructure, power and communications across all Town facilities.
Quality facilities and amenities
- Additional staff resources to maximize the use of the Sherwood Community Centre and John Tonelli Sports Centre Arena.
- Continued planning for the civic precinct in the downtown area.
- Redevelopment of various parks (Melanie Park, Trudeau Park, Beaty Trail Park, Watson Park).
- Design for Bowes Neighbourhood Park in the Boyne area.
- Installation of 20 in-ground waste containers to provide additional capacity within various parks.
- Planned improvements for recreation facilities (John Tonelli Sports Centre, Milton Sports Centre, Mattamy National Cycling Centre).
Connected transit and mobility
- Investment in transit through the implementation of the Transit Master Plan and the purchase of buses for introduction of fixed route service in Boyne area started in 2025.
- Road construction including the urbanization of Nipissing Road and Fifth Line (Derry to Britannia) as well design work to extend Louis St. Laurent (Fifth Line to Sixth Line).
- Continued maintenance of existing road network through the annual asphalt overlay and expanded asphalt programs.
- Investments in active transportation including new trails in the Boyne area and the construction of a pedestrian bridge in Walker Neighbourhood in Boyne.
- Ongoing focus on traffic and road safety with installation of a new traffic signal at 5 Side Road and Esquesing Line, installation of pedestrian crossovers at various locations and a stop sign beacon pilot program.
Planned Community Growth
- Planning for Main Street East’s reconfiguration.
- Continued work on new growth areas in Britannia, Trafalgar, Agerton, Milton Education Village and the Milton Transit Station Area.
- Continued work on the Official Plan update.
- Collaboration with Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College as new post-secondary educational facilities are introduced through 2024.
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