The Town of Milton services impact you each day. Whether it is using public transit, driving on a road, visiting a recreation centre, having snow removed from your street, borrowing a book from the library, or needing the fire department, you are using a Town of Milton service.
The Town prepares and approves an annual budget to address:
- Council priorities
- Operations
- Services
- Infrastructure construction associated with growth
- Asset management
The budget prioritizes the funding for services, projects, and new or maintained infrastructure that have been identified through master plans, or the levels of service set by Council.
Each year, Town staff present a proposed budget to Council where Council reviews, deliberates and then approves.
Municipal budgets are made up of two components – operating and capital. The budget describes the cost of providing services and provides a financial plan of how those costs will be funded.
As the Town is limited by the amount of resources available, the budget helps determine which projects and services have the highest priority and greatest impact to you and to the community.
Check out the 2024 Budget to learn more!
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