All non-residential and some residential buildings in Milton require the approval of a Certificate of Occupancy prior to use. We recommend that you confirm that your proposed use is permitted by the Zoning By-law prior to purchasing a property or signing a lease.
You also need to get a Certificate of Occupancy before you can apply to re-zone a property or get a minor variance.
Application process
Please review the Guidelines prior to applying. To apply for a Certificate of Occupancy, you need to complete a Certificate of Occupancy Application form and submit it along with a:
- Copy of the site plan
- Copy of the floor plan
- Letter describing the business operation with the names of both the tenant and/or agent and the business address and phone number
Please submit your application to:
Town of Milton
150 Mary St.
Milton, ON L9T 6Z5
Review our building permit fees for our Certificate of Occupancy fees.
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