What's on this page

↓ About the project
↓ How you can participate
↓ Project timeline
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↓ Related studies

About the project

The Town of Milton is conducting a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study for Main Street East between Fifth Line and Trafalgar Road.

The study builds on the Town of Milton Transportation Master Plan (TMP) (2018). The TMP is a long-term transportation strategy that serves as the Town’s roadmap to develop a well-balanced transportation network to serve the existing community and forecasted growth to 2031. The TMP identified the need to extend Main Street East from Fifth Line to Trafalgar Road to improve east-west connectivity and support development in the Derry Green Corporate Business Park and Agerton Secondary Plan areas.  

The Class EA study will review the available background information, identify the needs and opportunities in the study area, and develop and evaluate a range of multi-modal transportation alternatives to support future travel demand. 

What is a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment?

The Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act to plan for a variety of municipal infrastructure projects, including roads, water, and wastewater. The MCEA outlines a comprehensive planning process to identify and assess technical and environmental effects and concerns before infrastructure projects begin. Planning in this way helps ensure that potential impacts from all municipal projects are addressed and mitigated before implementation.

Projects are classified as exempt, eligible for screening, Schedule B, and Schedule C depending on their anticipated environmental impact. The Class EA for Main Street East will be carried out in accordance with Schedule C of the MCEA (October 2000, as amended 2023). The Class EA study will review all available background information, identify the needs and opportunities in the study area, assess alternative solutions, and examine alternative designs to implement the preferred solution. The planning, design, and consultation process will be documented in an Environmental Study Report.

How you can participate

Get involved in this study by sharing your input on the existing conditions in the study area and future recommendations to improve east-west connectivity and support future development in Milton.

Four rounds of engagement are planned throughout the study to share information and gather feedback. Engagement materials will be posted on Let’s Talk Milton.

Round one – Study commencement

The objectives of the first round of engagement are to:

  • Provide introductory information about the study
  • Understand stakeholder interests and areas of concern
  • Gather input to identify existing study area characteristics and constraints

Your input may be provided directly to the Project Team by contacting Town Project Manager, David Muraca. 

Project timeline

The current forecasted timeline for planning, design, and construction of Main Street East is as follows:

  • 2023 to 2025: Municipal Class Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design for Main Street East from Fifth Line to Trafalgar Road

The design and construction of Main Street East is tentative and will be subject to Council approval and funding and reviewed based on future development needs.

  • 2025: Detailed Design of Main Street East from Fifth Line to Sixth Line
  • 2026: Construction of Main Street East from Fifth Line to Sixth Line
  • 2029: Detailed Design of Main Street East from Sixth Line to Trafalgar Road
  • Construction of Main Street East from Sixth Line to Trafalgar Road to be reviewed based on future development needs.

Stay in touch

Contact Town Project Manager, David Muraca to join the study mailing list.

Check out Let’s Talk Milton to review study materials.

Related plans and studies

The Main Street East Municipal Class Environmental Assessment study will be informed by other Town of Milton studies, including: