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About the project
The Milton Education Village (MEV) will be a dynamic urban district, where innovation meets natural wonder. This vision will be realized by the integration of leading academic institutions, integrated long-term care facility, outdoor recreational opportunities, views of the Niagara Escarpment, state-of-the-art research and design facilities and an environmentally-conscious urban design.
The MEV will connect people, business, education, health care, and recreational opportunities through a fully integrated transportation system, accommodating public transit, vehicles, walking and cycling. With a mix of opportunities for young people to learn on-the-job and for forward-thinking businesses to leverage local students and talent, the MEV will be a centre for innovative solutions and education.
The MEV is a critical element of Milton 2051, our long-term vision for our community.
The area is 162 hectares (400 acres) of land centred on the Mattamy National Cycling Centre and bounded by the Niagara Escarpment Plan Area to the north, Tremaine Road to the east, Britannia Road to the south and the Greenbelt Plan Area to the west.
Current status
On June 26, 2024, Halton Region issued a Notice of Decision to approve, with modifications, Amendment No. 62, “Milton Education Village Secondary Plan” to the Town of Milton Official Plan.
Town of Milton began to assess the opportunities for the MEV lands to be developed
Specifically, to provide a local campus for an Ontario University, along with related and complementary uses
- Town initiated the preparation of a Secondary Plan and Implementation Strategy for the MEV
- The background and options assessment work was completed and a public open house took place. Shortly thereafter, in the absence of an announcement of provincial funding, the Town paused the Secondary Plan process.
- Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development announced plans to create a new university-led post-secondary site in Milton focused on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM)
- March - Wilfrid Laurier University, in partnership with Conestoga College, submitted a proposal to the Province
- June - Council directed staff to re-initiate the Secondary Plan for the MEV lands
- Fall - Town staff held meetings with interested stakeholders to present the work plan and receive input to be considered as part of the MEV planning process
- January - A public open house was hosted by the Town to receive input regarding street networks, land use, built form and key ideas
- June - Town staff hosted an Innovation and Future Development Fair and took this opportunity to present a preliminary land use concept for the MEV stemming from the public engagement initiatives
- September - Milton endorsed a Preliminary Preferred Land Use Concept and Secondary Plan Framework for the MEV
- September - a statutory public meeting took place. Council considered the draft MEV Secondary Plan (DS-033-20) and received delegations from interested parties
- November – All ancillary documents related to the Milton Education Village were executed. These agreements support Laurier and Conestoga’s August 2020 formal submission to the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities for the development of a post-secondary campus in the MEV.
- December – MEV Secondary Plan approved by Council
- June - Ontario Government announced official funding approval for Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College, a significant milestone towards making the MEV a reality
June - Milton received a Ministerial Zoning Order to support expediting the development of required geography within the MEV for:
- Infrastructure delivery (water, sewers, utilities)
- A critical mass of development to support transit
- An appropriate mix of uses to support daily needs
- Interim water and wastewater servicing strategy is underway with Halton Region
- Wilfrid Laurier University has a site alteration permit under review for structural fill of phase 1 (just south of the Mattamy National Cycling Centre)
- Schlegel Villages
- Foundation (conditional permit) has been issued for phase 1 and work is underway
- Site alteration under construction to bring in structural fill and setup temporary stormwater for the building site
- Post-secondary opportunities in Milton are announced, starting in 2024, by Conestoga College and Wilfrid Laurier University, at temporary Milton campuses while the MEV is being built
- These campuses will host approximately 3,100 students in 2024
- Conestoga College - Parkhill Drive campus opened in January, welcoming approximately 800 students to their 21 programs being offered
- Conestoga Centre of Excellence in Healthcare opens in May 2024
- Laurier Milton Academic Centre opens in September 2024
- A dedicated transit route (Route 1) and services for post-secondary are provided by Milton Transit
By the numbers
The Milton Education Village Secondary Plan guides the development of a complete community that blends post-secondary education with a mix of other complementary uses into a comprehensively planned neighbourhood.
By 2031:
- A population of 6,503 residents and 3,659 jobs
- An innovation district to accommodate 1,939 knowledge-based jobs (STEAM - science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics)
- A post-secondary campus with capacity to accommodate 3,000 students and 460 faculty/staff jobs
- A 'main street' village centre and a neighbourhood centre with potential to accommodate 100,000 square feet of space for retail and service uses
Fully built out:
- Population of 12,803
- 2,500 knowledge-based jobs
- A post-secondary campus hosting 15,000 students and 2,300 jobs
- House an elementary school, high school, and park
- A development designed to promote active transportation and public transit use, with transit supportive densities of between 85 and 115 people and jobs per hectare measured across the entire MEV area
- Sustainable and energy efficient infrastructure that incorporates green infrastructure and building technologies
- A linked and sustainable natural heritage and open space system including greenways of a minimum of 15 hectares
Meetings and studies
Contact us if you’d like to request a copy of any of the background staff reports, plans, studies and notices.
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