The Town of Milton strives to be accessible in all communications to ensure materials are available for all members of the public. Applicants are not required to submit their application documents in an accessible format. To receive a copy of any of the plans and reports submitted with the development applications listed below, or you require in an accessible format, please contact us and the Town will provide you with the necessary documents.
Current development applications in Ward 1
- 2613708 Ontario Limited - 550 Ontario St. S.
- Milton Heights Area - View current applications within the Milton Heights neighbourhood
- Avani Steel Corporation Ltd. - 7265 No. 5 Side Road
2613708 Ontario Limited - 550 Ontario St. S.
Town Files: LOPA-10/21 & Z-30/21
2613708 Ontario Limited has applied for a Local Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the lands to redevelop the property with mixed use buildings in the form of two high-rise point towers on top of 6 and 5-storey podiums, and a third, 4-storey mid-rise residential building. The towers are proposed at heights of 24 and 19 storeys fronting the intersection, with the rear 4-storey building at the rear of the site set back to the existing 3-storey townhouses, amounting to 649 proposed residential units. The mixed-use buildings will feature approximately 2,000 sq. m. of commercial uses in addition to private amenity use space on the ground floors along Derry Road and Ontario Street.
Current status |
The application is currently under a technical review by Milton staff and commenting agencies. After we’ve reviewed and received agency comments, we will prepare a technical report for Council. Contact us if you have a comment on the development. Subscribe to receive updates directly to your inbox about this proposed development including its status and upcoming public meetings. |
Supporting studies and drawings |
The following studies and drawings were submitted with the application. They are currently under technical review by staff and commenting agencies. Please note, if you require an accessible version of these documents, please contact the Planning Department. |
Avani Steel Corporation Ltd.- 7265 No. 5 Side Road
Town Files: LOPA 10/24 & Z-22/24
The applicant proposes an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a Motor Vehicle Dealership (Commercial Truck Dealership) on the subject lands. Currently, there is a permitted Motor Vehicle Rental Agency (Truck Rental) operating on the lands.
Current Status |
A recommendation report will be presented to Town Council at a meeting scheduled for Monday, Feb. 24, 2025. Interested parties have been notified. A copy of the staff report can be found on the Council Agenda, when published. We welcome your active involvement in the community and invite you to attend Town Council meetings. This meeting is open to the public; however, it is not a statutory public meeting pursuant to the Planning Act. Anyone wishing to speak to this report is required to register as a delegate with the Town Clerk. Contact us if you have a comment on the development. Subscribe to receive updates directly to your inbox about this proposed development including its status and upcoming public meetings. |
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